The existence of traditional international tax regulations in the modern-day digital and globalised economic landscape has been a point of contention. The recently proposed revision of the India-Mauritius tax treaty protocol indicates India’s stance on prioritising fair investment without compromising tax avoidance measures. Such a revision and stance aligns with the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) project as formulated by the OECD under the leadership of G20 nations.
In response to these global concerns, from 2013 to 2016, the OECD and G20 nations formulated the BEPS framework to combat tax avoidance by multinational enterprises, thereby promoting equity in the international tax regime. The framework introduced 15 Action Plans to address challenges within the global tax system and propose actionable solutions. India, as a participant in the G20, has embraced these initiatives, recalibrating its international tax and local tax policies accordingly.
Here is a progress report on BEPS Action Plans and India’s responses:
Digital Economy Taxation
Hybrid Mismatch Arrangements
Controlled Foreign Company (CFC) Rules
Interest Deductions and Financial Payments
Harmful Tax Practices
Treaty Shopping
Artificial Avoidance of Permanent Establishment
Transfer Pricing: Intangibles, Risks & High-Risk Transactions
BEPS Data Collection and Transparency
Enhancing Dispute Resolution and Treaty Amendments
India’s Proactive Role and the Continuing Challenge in adopting the BEPS Measures India has significantly influenced the international tax dialogue. The concerted effort of nations to incorporate these Action Plans underscores a unified commitment to transparency and the rejection of tax evasion strategies. The modifications to the India-Mauritius tax treaty have drawn international attention, urging MNEs to maintain comprehensive transfer pricing records and stay informed on global tax law developments. While substantial progress has been made, the journey towards a universally transparent and fair tax system continues.
The way you manage your taxes in the current age is different from how you used to manage taxes a decade back. Modern strategies have emerged to plan your taxes well with substance-based outcomes. If you are curious about how you can navigate your tax journey over the next few years, feel free to write to the author at