An Income tax regulation revolves around two main concepts, one is the person who should be taxable (residency test), and the other is the income that should be taxable (source test). For a country to exercise a taxing right either one of the concepts as mentioned above should be fulfilled.
A Place of Effective Management is one of the tests of residency of a company, especially when the company is legally situated offshore however managed/ controlled through a different jurisdiction. It is a well-stated global principle that is also mentioned in the UAE corporate tax.
What is different with the UAE corporate tax is that the same has been implemented for the first time in the country, and the country was an attractive jurisdiction for many headquarter regimes for control and management of many offshore businesses.
The UAE corporate tax law is embedded in the Federal Decree -Law no 47 of 2022 on the Taxation of Corporations and Businesses (CT Law). Article 11 of such CT law in Clause 3b mentions the concept of effective management and control of a company incorporated in a foreign jurisdiction.
Article 11(3)(b) reads as follows:
A Resident Person is any of the following Persons.“A juridical person that is incorporated or otherwise established or recognised under the applicable legislation of a foreign jurisdiction that is effectively managed and controlled in the State.”
POEM is a globally recognised test for determining whether a foreign-incorporated firm can be regarded as a tax resident in another nation. As a result, PoEM serves as the location where vital management and business choices that are required for the operation of the entity’s company are made.
Objectives of POEM:
The concept is further clarified in the Corporate tax FAQs issued by the ministry. Question 20 of such FAQS provides information on the concept of POEM of an entity in the UAE. It states that “A foreign company may be treated as a resident person for UAE CT purposes if it is effectively ‘managed and controlled’ in the UAE All facts and circumstances must be considered in determining where a company is effectively managed and controlled, but a relevant indicator may include the place where the strategic decisions affecting the business are made.”
As per the above clarification the facts and circumstances needs tone considered for considering whether there is a POEM or not. What could be such facts and circumstances is not clarified by the FAQ, however, based on the past experience, the following could be the indications:
The above list is only an indicative list and there could be other additional considerations to take into account before holding whether the foreign company has POEM in the UAE or not. What is the impact of having a POEM in the UAE.
How should you plan for the avoidance of the formation of POEM in the UAE?
For any Uae corporate tax matters, you can write to us at
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